Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Why water not Tea or Coffee

Why water not Tea or Coffee

Often people drink Teas or Coffee because they need a quick
pick me up, but is it really worth it in the long run? Why not
substitute coffee for water instead?

Water is an essential liquid that helps to maintain the balance
of bodily fluids. Your body is composed of  about 60% water.
Water helps your body to function properly and aid digestion,
absorption of nutrients, circulation of blood and maintenance
of body temperature.  Water has no added chemicals or
preservatives, this means that water.Water carries nutrients
to all cells in our body and oxygen to our brain.
Water allows the body to absorb and assimilate minerals,
vitamins, amino acids, glucose and other substances.
Water flushes out toxins and waste.
The Institute of Medicine says children and teenagers should
consume 1.7 to 3.3 liters a day, depending on age, size and
sex. Adolescent boys generally need to drink more water
Image result for waterthan girls do, research suggests.

Although coffee and teas are used to quick pick up, they
also do more harm than good, Teas and Coffees often
contain high amounts of Caffeine and drinking too much
coffee can result in a high intake of caffeine which can
disrupt sleep and rob calcium from bones and it may
cause anxiety and have an effect on your brain.
Too much coffee can cause Anxiety, Insomnia,
Digestive issues, Muscle breakdown, Addiction,
High Blood pressure, Rapid change in heart rate and fatigue. Eight Healthy Hot Drinks That'll Keep You Warm This Winter

So instead of having a cup of tea or coffee try having a
glass of water. Which is a great alternative to quench your
thirst and replenish your body.

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